Welcome to West Nissouri Public School!

There are a few items we need you to be aware of before your child begins school in September.

It is very important for the school to have your current email address. That email address connects you to our Parent Portal and we communicate/share information mainly via email. If this is not the address you use regularly, please contact the office to update your email address as soon as possible at westnissouri@tvdsb.ca.


WNPS Parent Portal ~ You will need to set up an account with the email address you provided during registration. Please note you will not be able to set up the account until you receive an email notification stating that your child’s information is now active. This usually occurs mid-July. Within the Parent Portal you will need to verify your Student Information, Emergency Contact Information, Parental Consents, register for SchoolCash Online and SchoolMessenger (attendance program). Once your child attends school, you will be able to find the following in the Parent Portal: Report Cards, Attendance, Individual Plan of Care (medical conditions), Individual Education Plan (if applicable) and school forms and newsletters. Please click on the following links for further information.

How do I set up a Parent Portal Account

Step by Step instructions for SchoolCash Online

Volunteers – Volunteers are very important to us and we cannot run field trips without them. With that said, all volunteers must have a completed Police Check (Vulnerable Screening) on file in the office. Therefore, if you would like to volunteer on class trips or in the school, you must take this form to the OPP station and they will process a Vulnerable Screening Check. They will provide you with a completed form which must be kept on file in the office. Please keep in mind that a Vulnerable Screening Criminal Check could take up to 4 - 6 weeks to process and the kindergarteners do go on a field trip late September/early October. Remember to ask the grandparents too!

Transportation - Registration to ride a bus is now mandatory with Southwestern Ontario Student Transportation Services (STS) and will be available in June of 2021 at www.mybigyellowbus.ca. If your child is eligible for transportation and you have the need to request an alternate stop or wish to apply for a vacant seat (i.e. babysitter is in bus zone) for September 2021, please contact STS directly at 519-649-1160. The application are online at www.mybigyellowbus.ca under FORMS. STS is open during the summer if you need to contact them but you will need to know your child’s student number, which you can find in your WNPS Parent Portal . Kindergarten Bus Information

Here at West Nissouri we have two parent groups, a School Advisory Council and a Home & School Association. For more information regarding the groups, please click on the following links. FAQ from the School Advisory Council, Home & School Association.

Medication – If your child has a medical condition and/or requires medication to be taken at school, please connect the school office.   An Individual Plan of Care needs to be completed by a parent in the Parent Portal and forms need to be completed by your family doctor.

We encourage you to check out our website at https://westnissouri.tvdsb.ca/en/index.aspx to familiarize yourself with our school.

Please note that West Nissouri has a “No Nuts Please” policy due to anaphylaxis allergies. Also, please do not send in Soy Butter as it is hard for staff to tell the difference from peanut butter. We will however accept Wow Butter in its original packaging.

Finally, if you require assistance, the school office will re-open the last full week before school begins. We want your child’s school experience to be as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. We hope your family has a safe and happy summer and we look forward to working with you and your child in September.

Check List – What to do before your child’s first day of school?

  • Set up Parent Portal account
  • Set up SchoolCash Online account
  • Set up SchoolMessenger account (down app - most efficient way to report student absences)
  • Complete Parent Portal online permission forms
    • Student Information
    • Student Emergency Contact
    • Parent/Guardian Release of Student Information
    • Complete Individual Plan of Care (if applicable)
    • Label EVERYTHING your child brings to school
      • Backpack – large enough to hold their lunch bag, book from library, mailbag, etc.
      • Extra clothes to keep at school
      • Indoor running shoes – no laces please
